Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wonderful phonecalls

I have the most lovely, little phone friend you could ever imagine.

It's my beautiful 10 year old niece Emma - you know the girl with the broken arm and the hippo called Ulla :0)

One day when I picked up the phone, I heard that the little voice belonged to Emma. "I just wanted to say hi to you, Ulla"....what else could happen to me than a melted heart?

We have long conversations Emma and I. We talk about what she is doing at school, who she plays with and what she thinks is interesting and funny. Emma always has something exciting to tell. She's a girl with so much joy inside of her and she never says no to explore the possibilities in life....

When ever she has called me, I always feel so lucky and very honered that she wants to call me just to have a little chat.

She's such a clever and happy girl our Emma - and so is her sister Ida and her brother Andreas.

I feel so proud to be their aunt....and to be a phone friend too!


  1. Så heldig du er som har din eigen lille telefonvenn! Herlig bilde av ungene forresten :)

    Eg kan alltids sende litt snø sørover til Danmark, men det spørs om den overlever postgangen.. *ler* Den kommer vel tidsnok av seg selv, tenker eg..

    Utrolig kule "kaker" i forrige post.. :D

    Ha en fin dag!

  2. Lyder rigtigt dejligt med at så tæt et familiebånd.
    Kan godt forstå at det varmer om hjertet.

  3. What a sweet story. Your niece is beautiful!

  4. Ja, jeg synes at jeg heldig, Bea :0) Det er bare rigtig hyggeligt når Emma ringer..

    Det ville være skønt med lidt norsk sne ;0)) Emil troede lige at der var sne her til morgen, for alt var fuld af rim og der var is på vandet!! Det nærmer sig nok...

    Kagerne er supersjove at lave...jeg tror jeg må have lavet lidt flere.

    Hav en rigtig dejlig weekend, Bea :0)


    Det er det vírkelig også, Gitte. :0) Jeg føler mig så heldig ved at have niecer og en nevø som min storesøsters børn.

    Min søsters familie og min egen laver mange ting sammen. Det er en gave synes jeg :0)


    Thank you very much, willynillywaterlily :0)

    I enjoy having these funny phonecalls. We talk about all sort of things...

    I will tell Emma that you said so :0)


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.